My name is Zack Robinson. I write software (and occasionally words) to help people accomplish their goals, avoid tedium, and learn something new about the world we inhabit and the systems we use. I have a particular interest in human-computer interaction, embedded systems, efficient infrastructure, and cross-disciplinary integration.
Currently, I'm on the Infrastructure team at Arcesium. We provide advanced data, operations, and analytics software to the financial services industry.
I tend not to focus on specific languages, and can quickly learn new technologies and frameworks as needed. With that said, though, I’ve done non-trivial work in Python, Typescript, HTML/CSS/JS, Java, Kotlin, and OCaml, plus some exposure to Rust, C/C++, and Verilog. I’m familiar with deploying and running code in a variety of environments: from embedded systems, to on-premises physical servers, to managed Kubernetes clusters, to purely serverless cloud-based architectures.
I recently completed my BA in Computer Science (with minors in Engineering and English Literature) at Swarthmore College. During my time there, I was president of the Swarthmore College Computer Society, a 33-year-old chartered student organization with about 65 members.
I grew up in Portland, Oregon, and now live in New York City. I used to be a student on FIRST® Robotics Competition Team 1540, and I’m still involved in the program through volunteering as a Control System Advisor and contributions to competition-specific libraries.
In (roughly) reverse chronological order
© 2024 Zack Robinson. This website was built using Tailwind CSS and other projects, and is also open-source under the MIT License.